Melquizael Costa vs. Steve Garcia
Fight Does Not Start Round 3 (-146)
We have just one small bet on this UFC Vegas 83 card. This fight was supposed to take place on last weekend's card in Austin. Steve Garcia had to pull out with an illness, but he’s ready to go tonight at the Apex. Garcia is a good boxer. He’s tall and long, and does a good job using his range. Our concern with Garcia is that he has looked susceptible to being finished. Garcia has been knocked down 5 times in his last 5 fights. His last 4 fights have all ended by KO in round 1 or 2, with only one of those resulting with Garcia on the losing end. Melquizael Costa is coming off of a decision win, but he did a lot of damage to his opponent in that bout. Costa's last 3 wins prior to that were all by KO or submission. Both of these fighters look highly capable of ending this fight within 2 rounds. Our wager is a half unit on the fight not to start round 3.
(Pick posted 12/9 at 8:41am via FanDuel)
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